Dear customers, We are so happy to be at our new home at 1300 Contra Costa Blv suite 30 Pleasant Hill CA, Pleasant Hill Ca, 94523 Thank you for being our loyal customers, come and visit our new and redesign location!!!
1300 Contra Costa Blvd Unit 30 • Pleasant Hill, CA • 94523

About Deb's Flower Market

Deb's Flower Market in Pleasant Hill has been open since 1991. We are privately owned by Mary Duarte this business carried the originals owners name Deb's short for Debbie's. to honor her memory.

Debra Ambrose past away July 1st 2004 from several bouts with cancer. Her legacy and love for flowers, friends and clients tells the rest of the story. Many clients and friends still tear up because she is no longer with us. She was a treasure to all her flowers bloomed...

Her loyal husband Joel  vowed to keep Deb's flower Market open as a bench mark in the community of Pleasant Hill.

We are a custom design Flower Shop for special events, romance, weddings and funerals. We are also Contra Costa's only Flower Market where you can buy your flowers in bulk if you want to design you own. Our bulk prices save up to 40 % off retail when you buy in bulk. You may also buy flower by the stem too. We sell a variety of greens either bulk or by the stem.

What is unique about Deb's Flower Market is all flower arrangements are made on location right in front of you while you wait. You can be instrumental with your personal touch. This makes your arrangements have uniqueness like no other. If you have time restraints you may phone in orders ahead of time and pay with any major credit card or cash when you come in. We always have on hand 20 to 30 beautiful mixed flower arrangements ready to go. Our coolers also are stocked daily with bouquets with all with types of seasonal flowers from all over the world. Call phone # 925-682-2837 for more information

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