Deb's Flower Market, Your Local Lafayette Florist
Need delivery today? Call us, we may be able to accomodate.
Need delivery today? Call us, we may be able to accomodate.
Featured Floral Arrangements
Bowl Of Beauty
Stunning roses, Gerbera daisies, lilies and carnations make a dazzling impression!
As shown, $79.99 height 8"
Deluxe 1
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Flower delivery in Lafayette
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Jason Dodson
I will never go anywhere else. I didn't know they had moved most recently, and I remember the sadness that fell over my spirit, but then within seconds they answered my phone call and with great relief they were open right down the street. Love the new location and happy for the business owners and managers as well! This place never misses on premier flower supply and arrangements.
Colene Weaver
I came in to get an arrangement for my friend on the spur of the moment and the arrangement….. I loved it! They were friendly and helpful which made it easy to choose what I wanted. My new florist is found.